SoftElegance in the Press

We are proud to represent an article about software SoftElegance has developed to enhance storage facility productivity for the Manufacturing companies.

One of the leading industry’s magazine, Manufacturing Business Technology has published an article ‘Material Handling Solution Improves Inventory Tracking

Manufacturing Business Technology

“A reliable material handling application allowed one company to minimize inventory tracking errors and receive more comprehensive and precise project status updates…”

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XEN Success Story: Windows Server 2008 R2 on XEN 4.0

SoftElegance has successfully lanced XEN 4.0.0 on OpenSUSE 11.3 on Intel® Server System SR2600URBRP Server. The Server configuration is Intel Quad Xeon E5630, 12Gb of RAM, and MegaRAID SAS 9260-4i.

The main goal was to create virtual machines on this server to run MS SQL Server 2008 and TFS 2010. So we’ve created following OS:

  • Windows Server 2008 RC2 with both MS SQL Server 2008 and MS SQL Server 2008 R2 to run different database instances for specific project’s requirements;
  • Windows Server 2008 RC2 to run TFS 2010;
  • FreeBSD 8.1 for other needs.


The General issues that could be a bottleneck for virtualizing are:
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SoftElegance Develops a Toughbook Material Handling Application to Enhance Storage Facility Productivity

Manufacturing companies can now use reliable, wireless Panasonic Toughbook devices to improve yard communications, inventory management, and outdoor material tracking and reporting.

Panasonic Toughbooks are making industry easier: these devices are being used in warehouses, manufacturing plants, complex storage yard stretching several square miles, and indoor and outdoor warehouses where raw and refined products are stored. Forklift-mounted Toughbooks are also being used in the industry to help track product and inventory movement between locations.


Many manufacturing companies use manual processes to track inventory and provide project status updates. Over the years, these traditional methods have proven to be inefficient, costly, and time consuming for yard and shop employees, In the yard, lost inventory and products that can’t be located can negatively impact profitability. And, without a reliable way to track how many moves are made around the yard in a given day, many organizations lose money because they cannot determine the optimal number of employees and forklifts required for route optimization.

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Using Synchronous PageMethod Custom Validator Control and jQuery calls of ASP.NET AJAX’s PageMethods

Using Synchronous PageMethod Custom Validator Control and jQuery calls of ASP.NET AJAX’s PageMethods.


This is success story of using Synchronous PageMethod Custom Validator Control in enterprise application development. Instead of using standard Synchronous JavaScript call we’ve expanded it to using jQuery.

In general Synchronous PageMethod Custom Validator allows to call PageMethods to validate client-side input, and block postbacks if there is an error.

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Enterprise Social Software helps enterprises share & discover knowledge

For the uninitiated, enterprise social software (ESS) applications provide some of the same features that social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube offer, but customized to the enterprise with real-time collaboration features. These applications also offer web 2.0 capabilities through blogs and wikis, but with enterprise-class integration, security and management.

enterprise social software

The term “enterprise social software” generally describes this class of tools. As of 2006, “Enterprise 2.0” had become a catchier term, sometimes used to describe social and networked changes to enterprises, which often includes social software (but may transcend social software, social collaboration and software).

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ASP.NET Code Samples Collection by J.D. Meier

The ASP.NET Code Samples Collection is a roundup and map of ASP.NET code samples from various sources including the MSDN library,, Code Gallery, CodePlex, and Microsoft Support. samples

Common Categories for ASP.NET Code Samples.

The ASP.NET Code Samples Collection is organized using the following categories:
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Announcing DevConnections 2010. The biggest Microsoft .NET event of the year.

Next week will start the greatest .NET conference and exhibition of the year 2010. Today we would like to introduce you with this upcoming event.

This year DevConnection back in Las Vegas, Nevada at November 1-4, 2010.
devconnections logo
DevConnections provides comprehensive information how to develop applications with the Microsoft stack – .NET framework, Visual Studio, Azure, Windows Server, Office, SharePoint, SQL Sever, Mobile, and beyond.

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Microsoft has moved Office to the Cloud. Now it’s Office 365 beta.

Chris Capossela, Microsoft senior vice president, has demonstrated Office 365 at a press event in San Francisco.

Office 365 is online version of the Microsoft Office Professional Plus desktop suite plus it include Microsoft Exchange Online, Microsoft SharePoint Online, Microsoft Lync Online.

office 365

Office 365 it a next Microsoft’s step moving it services to a cloud.

Providing Office as an online service will mean that Outlook exchange and document programs that have been fixtures on business networks will be accessible not only from desktops and laptops, it could be accessible through smartphones, tablets, and other gadgets used by an increasingly mobile workforce.

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Rational Unified Process Core Workflows: Implementation, Testing, Deployment.

The Rational Unified Process® is a Software Engineering Process. It provides a disciplined approach to assigning tasks and responsibilities within a development organization. Its goal is to ensure the production of high-quality software that meets the needs of its end-users, within a predictable schedule and budget.

Rational Software Logo

A mere enumeration of all workers, activities and artifacts does not quite constitute a process. We need a way to describe meaningful sequences of activities that produce some valuable result, and to show interactions between workers.

A workflow is a sequence of activities that produces a result of observable value.

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NuPack – Open Source Package Manager for .NET

NuPack is a free, open source developer focused package management system for the .NET platform intent on simplifying the process of incorporating third party libraries into a .NET application during development.

nupack logo

NuPack v1 CTP 1 was released Wed Oct 6 2010 and got around 2 000 downloads first day.

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