The 2011 Enterprise Architecture Awards by InfoWorld and Forrester Research

In 2011 InfoWorld and Forrester Research “Enterprise Architecture Awards“, 6 winning companies show how their initiatives translate to business success.

An enterprise architecture (EA) is a rigorous description of the structure of an enterprise, which comprises enterprise components, the externally visible properties of those components, and the relationships between them. Enterprise architecture serves two main purposes: to provide a framework for collaboration between business and IT and to offer a pivot point for transformational change.

Infoworld and Forrester research

Forrester Research with InfoWorld has indicated six world global companies with the leading enterprise architecture, for the second year…

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Project Roslyn or Compiler-as-a-Service. Bringing flexibility of dynamic languages to C#

Codename Roslyn project it’s a new type of compiler that will bring the flexibility of dynamic languages to C# and Visual Basic. Roslyn will be released as CTP (Community Technology Preview) by researchers from Microsoft.

Here at SoftElegance we are really interested in such initiative. “This project is about revising what compilers do”… We believe that bringing flexibility of dynamic languages to C# and VB it’s great idea. And idea of “Compiler-as-a-Service” also looks not so bad.

3 logos from the BUILD

Here is some comments of Anders Hejlsberg about Roslyn project, he said at BUILD

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Steve Ballmer keynote speach at BUILD conference …with screenshots

Part 2. Steve Ballmer’s appearance at BUILD Windows Conference

It was surprising appearance and … sometimes funny…

Steve Ballmer boring at BUILD

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Windows 8: new opportunites for developers. Or how it was at BUILD …with screenshots

Part 1. Steven Sinofsky introducing new opportunities for developers in Windows 8.

steven sinofsky at build 2011

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New Testimonial at SoftElegance’s website

RussianNY is the leading Russian-American web-portal in New-York. It’s a hybrid of social and business network since 1998 with up to 90 000 registered users. The new testimonial has came to SoftElegance website from Mikhail Dudalenko, V.P.,

“SoftElegance was brought to the project when it was about to fail. The team of talented developers made a quick turnaround. We were inspired by their efficient, professional manner. In six month we had stable version and six month later the system went live. By partnering with SoftElegance we were able to be on time and on budget.”

We are really proud to collaborate with the project, to use the latest technologies such as .NET Framework 4.0, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Windows Server 2008, and some additional frameworks and technologies. We are looking forward to keep long-term partnership and to help RussianNY to be the leading ethnic web-portal in the U.S.

Two big developers forums comming next week

It’s very strange or some misunderstanding that two greatest developers events will be at the same time in California. The first one it’s IDF2011 (Intel Developer Forum) in San Francisco, September 13-15; The second — BUILD (Microsoft Build Windows 8 show) in Anaheim, CA, September 13-16.

SoftElegance with the primary .NET Framework’s skills are attended at MS BUILD event.

build windows and intel developer forum

What will be represented by each company at conferences and could it be the ‘Wintel’ alliance as it’s called in the press? As for sure that Microsoft as one of the IDF’s sponsor plans to show its upcoming Windows 8 OS. Will it be shown at the same time at BUILD?

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IT outsourcing survey: 63 percent of buyers said their outsourcing initiatives had been very successful

According to a survey of 277 outsourcing buyers conducted by outsourcing analyst firm HfS Research and the London School of Economics, 63 percent of mid-market buyers said their outsourcing initiatives had been very successful at reducing costs compared to 44 percent of large companies.

HfS’s researcher talks to CIO magazine about recent survey on IT Outsourcing. The results of this collaboration is really interesting and useful not only for mid-size and big-size companies article “IT Outsourcing: What Big Companies Can Learn from Midsize Companies“.

HfS and CIO

The other stats are:

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Facts about CIOs’ understanding of the applications portfolio

IT leaders might struggle to take advantage of the latest applications to drive efficiency and competitiveness because CIOs are failing to understand what is in their applications portfolio and how much they are costing.

Following Karl Flinders post originally appeared as “Six shocking facts about CIOs’ understanding of the applications portfolio“. We’ve found this “shocking findings” are really interesting and useful for CIOs and IT directors and Executives. So please find the Fujitsu’s research: logo

“The lack of understanding of how much an application portfolio is costing means that companies have no way of telling how much is being wasted. How many companies can afford to be running applications that are not delivering maximum value? Any hopes of applications becoming a strategic enabler for the business certainly seem a long way off for the majority of companies”

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Windows Azure Toolkit for Android, Windows Phone, and iOS

There is tremendous market opportunity in building mobile applications, targeting numerous mobile platforms can be complex, costly and frustrating for enterprise. These new Windows Azure Toolkits make it easier, and less expensive, for developers to extend their applications across major computing platforms. Now “Microsoft Releases the Windows Azure Toolkit for Android“.

SoftElegance is fully agree with the idea: “Using the toolkits, developers can use the cloud to accelerate the creation of applications on the major mobile platforms. Companies are taking advantage to create a unified approach to cloud-to-mobile user experience.”

windows azure for the phone

The best “get started” guide is posted by Wade Wegner on his blogpost “Windows Azure Toolkits for Devices – Now With Android!“. Cloud computing provides a significant opportunity for mobile device developers, as it gives you the ability to write applications that target the same services and capabilities regardless of the device platform, he said.

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@WalmartLabs — “Social + Mobile + Retail”. Or how the technologies drives retail

@WalmartLabs is redefining Commerce for the largest retailer worldwide, through the innovative fusion of retail, social and mobile. “Walmart wants to tap into social data and entice mobile phone toting customers to its stores”.

We’ve posted on Twitter several updates about Walmart has acquired social media startup Kosmix, about plans to change the way of retailing, etc. Now the time when we can look to Walmart’s tech plans in details. Are they really able to redefine commerce…?

@walmartlabs logo

Today ReadWriteWeb has posted an article “@WalmartLabs: How a Scrappy Search 2.0 Startup Became The Future of Walmart” with the main focus on acquiration of Kosmix, social media startup which had built a Semantic Web platform to organize social media data.

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