Microsoft plans to add Hadoop to SQL Server

Microsoft plans to bring ‘big data’ analysis by integrating Hadoop into Windows and SQL Server

This week Microsoft announced collaboration with Yahoo Hortonworks to develop a Apache Hadoop implementation for Windows Server, SQL Server 12, and Windows Azure platforms.

Hadoop is an open source platform for big data analysis and working with unstructured data. It also works on clusters of computers or servers. The preview of Hadoop-based service for Windows Azure will be available by the end of 2011, and the Server’s Hadoop implementation will work with the existing BI tools.

Hadoop and SQL Server logo

“Microsoft’s strategy is to groom Linux-friendlier Hadoop to fit snugly into Windows environments, thus giving organizations on-tap, seamless, and simultaneous access to both structured and unstructured data via familiar desktop apps, such as Excel, as well as BI tools such as Microsoft PowerPivot”, said Ted Samson, InfoWorld’s senior analyst.

Forrester Research: SharePoint custom-development strategy is more crucial now than ever

Custom-development with SharePoint is a popular strategy for IT departments.

SharePoint Server 2010 adoption is very strong, and this version of the product has the strongest features yet for custom development. Application backlogs growing, many organizations will find themselves taking on SharePoint “customization” projects to meet business demands.

The survey on customer experiences with Microsoft SharePoint shows a successful product moving crisply through a major upgrade, from Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 (MOSS 2007) to SharePoint Server 2010. SharePoint usage is strong in organizations of all sizes and in most industry sectors. The product’s continued success has two conflicting facets for application development and delivery pros.

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John R. Rymer and Rob Koplowitz has prepared the great research SharePoint Custom-Development Strategy Is More Crucial Now Than Ever. “The stage is set for a big upswing in custom application development on Microsoft SharePoint“.

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Society of Information Management: Two-thirds of U.S. tech firms send jobs offshore

U.S. IT companies send their jobs offshore and not going to cut IT budgets.

SIM’s (Society of Information Management) survey shows that offshoring has become so engrained in IT processes that 65% of businesses do it for some aspect of their business. SIM has published it’s annual survey of IT budgets and technology trends last week.

Based on data collected from CIOs and senior IT leaders at 275 companies, survey found that nearly a quarter of the companies using offshore services did so to run existing systems applications. And another 20% said they used offshore services to manage their infrastructure.

Society of Information Management (SIM)

The other good news for offshore IT service providers is that companies aren’t cutting IT budgets. Last year, 65% of the firms responding to this survey said their budgets would be equal or greater to the previous year. That increased to 83% this year, and 85% of the respondents said next year’s budgets would be equal or better than their current budgets.

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Gartner: almost every organisation intends to migrate software to SaaS

We definitely want you to know: almost every organisation intends to migrate software to SaaS.

Gartner’s research: “User Survey Analysis: Software as a Service, Enterprise Application and Vertical Software Markets.” Nearly all organisations expect to invest in SaaS, according to a it’s survey.

Researchers found 95% expect to invest significantly in software as a service. The communications (52%), utilities (51%) and banking and securities (49%) industries rank highest with SaaS deployed across the horizontal and vertical-specific categories sampled.

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Demand for software as a service remains strong as net-new deployments increase. Gartner’s analysts explore adoption trends and projected use across regions, company size, and enterprise application and vertical software markets.

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SoftElegance’s internal discussion about upcoming Windows 8

Yesterday at SoftElegance we had internal discussion about upcoming Windows 8.

The first we’ve discussed in Metro style apps, what does it mean for developers. Than little bit about desktop, it’s UI and all legacy applications. Also it was discussed some new features like Hyper-V virtualization on ‘client’ version, support or ARM architecture. And for the end some feedbacks about BUILD conference.

Our main focus was on development part of Windows 8, or what Windows 8 will mean for developers.

SoftElegance and SlideShare

Please find our SlideShare presentation about the keynote topics we’ve discussed. This is not full of information presentation, it’s just the main topics to discuss.

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The first look to Windows Server 8. Server Manager

Server Manager — new GUI for Windows Server 8

Windows 8 Server will have the radical different user interface from all previous versions of Windows. Windows Server administration center will be PowerShell driven and Windows GUI will be available if desired.

Here, at SoftElegance we are always in-touch with the latest technology’s news and innovations, we are up-to-date with new Microsoft releases and features.

windows server 8

Representing the first look (with the screens) to Server Manager shell, pre-beta release of Windows 8 Server developer edition.

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2011 the year mobile IT, how it was at Mobilize, and BYOT

How it was at Mobilize, the GigaOM event, or what is BYOT

One of the most discussed topic in IT communities and between professionals is BYOT (Bring Your Own Technologies). This week at Mobilize, the GigaOM event, it was two main topics to discuss. Both of them are related to the main 2011 trend: “People brings their own mobile devices to work”.

As custom software development company we are involved at BYOT challenge. After the years IT departments saying no to everything, they are finally saying OK. That’s also changing the level of input employees have on the devices they use.

GigaOM logo

So, the leading CEO’s has indicated 2011 as the “year when mobile IT was born”. “It was the year the IT industry figured out mobile, and it’s the year that mobile figured out IT”.

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Windows Phone 7.5 Mango update. What’s new for developers

Microsoft has released update to it’s Windows Phone 7.5 Mango OS

The first reason to write this post is the news that “many people still don’t know Windows Phone 7 exists“. Meantime Microsoft has released the update to Windows Phone 7.5. We’ve been waiting this till May, and the reasons that MS main focus was on “communications, apps, and internet”.

windows phone 7.5 mango

Here is the first look into Windows Phone 7.5 Mango with the video and great description…

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Metro style applications for Windows 8. What does it means for developers

The Windows 8 blog said: “The most used tool in Windows 8 will be the IE10 browser. IE 10 is available as a Metro style app and as a desktop app. Metro style IE provides all the main navigation keyboard shortcuts and mouse support you’ve come to expect — creating tabs, moving between tabs, entering addresses, searching, and more.”

This will happen for sure, no matter in 2013 or in 2012. Windows 8 will came and we will develop the applications as well as for desktop and for the web. BTW, the desktop app continues to fully support all plug-ins and extensions. And Metro style for the web.

Metro Style apps in Windows 8

For the web to move forward and for consumers to get the most out of touch-first browsing, the Metro style browser in Windows 8 is as HTML5-only as possible, and plug-in free. The experience that plug-ins provide today is not a good match with Metro style browsing and the modern HTML5 web.

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Adobe will fights back with Flash11, or should we keep Flash development?

Looking to the few past month the future of Flash was not so bright. First Flash was rejected at Apple’s iOS, then Microsoft has banned it on the upcoming version of Internet Explorer 10. So is any future in flash development and what Adobe going to do to keep the internet market share?

For us as software development company this is really important question to keep support such technologies as Flash, Flex or Adobe Air. Adobe still message to developers: “Flash is still relevant, and Adobe is still investing in it”.

flash logo

Adobe System highlighted Flash 11 this week, and looks like it will be available in October. Also it will be available Air 3 by the end of 2011. Let’s look what will be more under the hood of Flash 11…

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