“Outsourcing in a brave new world” — an international survey of current outsourcing practice and trends

Here is a review of comprehensive Norton Rose’s survey “Outsourcing in a brave new world”

As software development company we are focused at IT and software development issues in this survey, which was conducted in 2011 first from 2008.
The survey also found that customers needed to improve ‘management buy-in‘, ‘good supplier/customer relationships‘, and ‘more sophisticated approach to risk‘ areas of their procurement processes if they wanted to archive the maximum benefits from outsourcing.

It is clear that outsourcing has been affected by the economic downturn

The “Outsourcing in a brave new world” survey shows that cost reduction is the most important driver for outsourcing, customers want flexible solutions, and customers have tightened their diligence processes—apart from those applied to key incoming personnel.

outsourcing in a brave new world

The global economic crisis has clearly impacted on outsourcing strategy and deals. The survey shows that:

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IBM’s development process best practices

IBM is a company with RUP best practices. Its VP talks about developers productivity and more…

IBM has plenty of application development tools at its disposal, including those from its own Rational Software line and Rational Unified Process. But tooling and process can only go so far to assure code quality. System scores application developers based on the volume and quality of their work. Today we representing the interview with IBM’s VP at global business services division Pat Howard.

SoftElegance is a company with RUP as a core software development process and we are attended at Rational Unified Process best practices, news, and useful facts.

IBM RUP logo

Pat Howard led application development at IBM, where he was responsible for delivering applications across all of Big Blue’s brands and overseeing its global development teams. On the talent front, he helped implement a system for analyzing individual application developers based on the volume and quality of their work.

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Gartner Webinar: Enterprise Business Architecture

Enterprise Business Architecture: Uniting Business and IT

Enterprise architects are in a unique position to enable and lead the unification of business and IT. Leading organizations know “our business is IT, and IT is our business.”

One crucial aspect of unifying business and IT is leveraging a enterprise business architecture as a conduit for engaging business leaders, and understanding the ripple effect of business changes on people, process, information and technology.

Gartner logo Webinar

Here is Gartner Webinar “Enterprise Business Architecture: Uniting Business and IT” by Betsy Burton, VP Distinguished Analyst. The discussed topics are “What is the value of supporting enterprise business architecture?”, “How should organizations approach supporting their business architecture?”, and “How can organizations leverage business capabilities to engage the business?”.

SoftElegance presentation at APICS Houston Chapter: “Inventory Logistic Management Using GPS/Wireless System”

Inventory Logistic Management Using GPS/Wireless System at APICS Chapter

SoftElegance has submitted the presentation “Inventory Logistic Management Using GPS/Wireless System” at Houston Chapter of Association for Operations Management. The October’s session of APICS started with SoftElegance’s USA presentation.

SE presentation at APICS chapter

“Many companies use traditional process to track inventory and provide project status updates. Over the years those traditional methods have proven to be inefficient, costly, and time consuming for yard and shop employees. Without a reliable way to track how many moves are made around the yard in a given day, many organizations lose money because they cannot determinate the optimal number of employees and forklifts required for route optimization”, says official APICS Pressrelease.

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Announcing DevConnections 2011, the best from Microsoft User Community

DevConnections, powered by Microsoft User Community will start next Monday

This autumn DevConnections will be October 31 to November 3 2011 at Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas, NV, USA. This is third time SoftElegance attended at DevConnections, the gathering of professionals from Microsoft User Community.

The show is separated by the ‘connections’ and include ASP.NET & Silverlight Connections, Visual Studio Connections, SQL Server Connections, SharePoint Connections, Exchange Connections, Windows Connections, Windows Azure Connections, HTML5 Connections.

DevConnection 2011

DevConnection allows to “explore the latest trends and get the most up to date information and training available”. We are looking forward to get the latest news from the upcoming event and share it.

Study: Software development success is still elusive

Despite technology breakthroughs over the years, software development remains costly and error-prone

Today we’ve found interesting study about software development projects statistic. “The data about software development projects is sobering—as it has been for decades. Too many projects still end up way over budget and behind schedule.”

This study covers 10 000 software projects and found that 21% of them had failed, meaning they weren’t completed or were rejected by the customer. About 37% of the projects in the study were deemed successful: They came in on time and within budget, and users accepted the result.

computerworld logo

The rest 42% of the projects were found to be challenges: They were late, over budget, not meeting users’ needs, or all of the above. This it new study published at 2011 by Standish Group.

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IDC Manufacturing Insights: Modern Supply Chain

IDC Manufacturing Insights supply chain strategies

The IDC Manufacturing Insights Perspective looks at the notion of clock speed in the supply chain, how the accelerating pace of business is causing manufacturers to rethink their approach to the supply chain, and the way that supporting IT capabilities are consumed.

Custom software development for supply chain automation is one of the strongest SoftElegance’s skills. We are always in touch with the latest trends and perspectives in supply chain.

idc manufacturing insights

This perspective covers Supply Chain Strategies; it covers regions: North America; covers categories: Manufacturing, Industry Focus.

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Investment in IT outsourcing are growing. Study by industries.

Study reveals industries boosting investment in IT outsourcing

The retail, manufacturing, telecoms and media sectors in Europe and EMEA have spent more on IT outsourcing during the first 9 months of 2011 than in the whole of last year.

Based on study “Study reveals sectors boosting investment in IT outsourcing” ComputerWeekly has found that in Europe, Africa and Middle East companies have spent more on IT outsourcing.

computerweekly.com logo

Martyn Hart, chairman at the National Outsourcing Association, said the retail sector is an example of a sector harnessing IT outsourcing to become more efficient and attract more customers.

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Worldwide enterprise IT spending and the future of IT

Gartner has released two researches about enterprise IT spending and about the future of IT.

New Gartner’s research found that enterprise IT spending estimates to total $2.7 trillion in 2012. In 2011 expected spending was $2.6 trillions. The increase is 3.9 percent.

Also Gartner’s analysts say it’s needed to oust the old, legacy systems in favor of mobile, cloud computing systems.

Gartner text logo

Today we would like you to know more predicts about IT spending and how to invest this budget, Gartner has found on it’s researches.

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