Meet SoftElegance at Automation Technology Expo East 2011

SoftElegance will be an exhibitor at Automation Technology Expo in New York, June 7-9 at Jacob K. Javits Convention Center.

ATX East is the resource event to see leading automation suppliers showcase the latest lean manufacturing, cost reduction, and enhanced productivity products and technologies.

automation texhnology expo east

SoftElegance’s booth number is #2954. Please feel free to visit our booth, or contact us to receive your personal invitation to visit SoftElegance at ATX East 2011.

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Serious hole in critical-infrastructure software

This is not a typical post for SoftElegance’s blog but the information provided below could be critical-important for our customers. Major part came from Oil and Gas, Manufacturing industries.

u.s. department of homeland security logo

“The U.S. government is warning critical-infrastructure operators of a serious hole in software used in oil and gas; water; electric utilities; and manufacturing plants around the world.”

“This vulnerability requires moderate skill to exploit,” the warning said.

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Interesting Ukrainian Twitter account about Software Development and more

SoftElegance has an interesting, useful, and up-to-date Twitter account, it’s very good English-speaking Twitter account from Ukraine. We are keeping in touch with latest software development, .NET Framework, outsourcing, PoS and retail, and manufacturing news and trends.

Follow us on Twitter.

orange twitter logo softelegance

SoftElegance’s twitter account delivers unique, fair content. We use only trusted websites to provide qualified, up-to-date content. We don’t tweet content several times, we don’t follow bots or not-real people.

Daily we produce a dozen unique tweets based on up-to-date, actual news. We don’t just repost headlines or articles, we provide a short analytic view to the target fact. We are always in touch with most important information about outsourcing, .NET Framework and ASP.NET, PoS and retail, and manufacturing.

Internet Explorer Platform Preview. IE10 HTML5 Test and Screenchots

Yesterday, April 12, 2011 at Microsoft MIX, a developers conference in Las Vegas, Microsoft has announced Internet Explorer platform preview. It’s first preview of IE10.

internet explorer platform preview

In this post we will show the screenshots how new IE10 will render HTML5. There are some examples from websites supporting HTML5 technology and how they could work (look) in future Internet Explorer 10.

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What’s interesting at MIX11, gathering of web professionals

MIX is a gathering of developers, designers, UX experts and business professionals creating the most innovative and profitable consumer sites on the web. Sessions range from technical, code-based topics to expert advice on content strategy, usability and design.

MIX11 starts next week, April 12-14, 2011 at Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas, USA. There are several topics SoftElegance attended in. Today we would like to introduce you the most interesting sessions…

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Big Data analysis and R programming language

The one of the latest and most promising IT trends today is Big Data analysis. Big Data are datasets that grow so large that they become awkward to work with using on-hand database management tools. Difficulties include capture, storage, search, sharing, analytics, and visualizing.

SoftElegance is attended in tools and technologies to work with Big Data, such as Probase, Hadoop, R project, etc. Today we would like to introduce you R programming language, that provids a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques, including linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, and others.

r programming language

R is a programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics. The R language has become a de facto standard among statisticians for developing statistical software, and is widely used for statistical software development and data analysis.

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Introducing Drizzle – a lightweight SQL database for cloud and web

Drizzle is a lightweight SQL database for cloud and web, it’s community-driven open source project that is forked from the popular MySQL database.

SoftElegance is attended in Drizzle project. At the moment we investigate the possibilities to participate at the project. Considering SoftElegance’s core technology is .NET Framework we could brig some new experience into the project.

drizzle logo

Drizzle is an offshoot of MySQL for cloud computing and Web application duties: They stripped away features not needed for these tasks, reorganized the codebase into a microkernel architecture and rewrote the code using C++, all in the hopes of speeding the performance of the database system.

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Announcing DevConnection 2011, the best from .NET community

SoftElegance is attended in DevConnection 2011, the one of the greatest .NET events in 2011. DevConnection is .NET conference and exhibition and keeps in touch with the latest trends and get the most up to date information and training available.

Since DevConnections 2010 it was moved to Florida. This spring DevConnection is at Orlando, FL, March 27-30, 2011.
devconnections logo
DevConnections provides comprehensive information how to develop applications with the Microsoft stack – .NET framework, Visual Studio, Azure, Windows Server, Office, SharePoint, SQL Sever, Mobile, and beyond.

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SoftElegance has started to use SplendidCRM in trial mode

SoftElegance has started to use the SplendidCRM in trial mode. At the moment we are using Community edition with MS SQL Sever 2008. After the first month we will consider to use or not SplendidCRM and the version in case it could cover our requirements.


SplendidCRM is a Microsoft-centric open-source customer relationship management application. It was written in C# using the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008.

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TweetSharp – .NET library for microblogging, v2.0 not only for ASP.NET developers

TweetSharp is a .NET library for microblogging platforms that allows to write short expressions that convert automatically to web queries and fly to Twitter on your behalf. It covers 100% of the Twitter API and actively keep up with enhancements & changes.

In the begging of February 2011 the new version of TweetSharp was released.

TweetSharp logo

This is lightweight framework but it’s useful for the .NET developers; Windows Phone 7 mobile development and Mono development. TweetSharp can speed up the development process and designed to be lighter, faster, and more intuitive.

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