At the beginning of 2024 we would like to summarize the tasks what were done since our latest major update, and we are proudly introduce the third version, or chapter III.
The great and short news at the very beginning: 💰 as startup a-Gnostics received $150,000 from Microsoft Azure.
🏭 Solutions:
1. 👂🏿 Di-agnostics – ‘Shazam for industrial equipment’, it leverages the sounds emitted by machinery to provide real-time insights into equipment health.
On February 24 2022, after the attack on Ukraine by the Russian Federation, the war began for everyone, each defending the country by working, doing what he and she can and helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Work on the economic front helps to protect Ukraine too.
Providing the country with electricity is necessary for the army, business and every citizen. Those who, unfortunately, have experienced light outages, understand even more how important it is not only for work, but for maintaining morale and life. We thank all power engineers from the generation and distribution of electricity for their excellent work, for our part we help the following:
One of the solutions in a-Gnostics, which also continues to work during the war, is to forecast electricity consumption in Ukraine. It is necessary to make an hourly forecast for market for the day ahead. The solution for forecasting energy consumption we started to develop before the launch of a new electricity market in Ukraine on July 1, 2019, and successfully implemented it for several enterprises. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are used for more accurate forecasting.
24 лютого 2022, після нападу на Україну Російською Федерацією, війна почалася для всіх, кожен і кожна боронить країну тим, що працює, робить те, що вміє найкраще і матеріально допомагає Збройним Силам України. Роботи на економічному фронті також допомагають захищати Україну.
Забезпечення країни електроенергією необхідне для армії, бізнесу та кожного громадянина. Ті, хто, на жаль, стикнувся із відключеннями світла, ще більше розуміє наскільки це є важливим товаром не тільки для роботи, а підтримки морального стану та життєдіяльності. Дякуємо всім енергетикам від генерації та розподілу електричної енергії за чудову роботу, зі свого боку ми допомагаємо наступним:
Одне із рішень в a-Gnostics, яке також продовжує працювати під час війни — прогнозування споживання електроенергії в Україні. Потрібно робити погодинний прогноз для РДН (ринок на добу наперед). В загальному вигляді, задачу прогнозування споживання енергоресурсів ми почали вирішувати, що до запуску нового ринку електроенергії 1 липня 2019 року, і успішно впровадили для декількох промислових корпорацій. Використовуються методи машинного навчання та штучного інтелекту для більш точного прогнозування.
Guest post about relationship between Marketing and AI
Hi all!
We want to share a new food for thought. And today it’s a guest post from the content team at
So here’re a little introduction and infographic:
“Whenever we talk about technology we are referring to something that is always in a state of flux and change. Therefore we might have come across technologies only in books and other such imaginary situations. However, the same are no longer imaginary but are slowly becoming real. Today the buzzword in technology is artificial intelligence or AI as many people would like to call it. It is being used selectively in some areas. However, over the years it is quite likely to have much wider acceptance and become important as far as businesses, trade and commerce are concerned. We are sharing some useful information which we are sure will help you to understand AI a bit more.”
Yaroslav Nedashkovsky presented Cybersecurity case study
On 10 March there was AI & Big Data Day. It’s one of the biggest innovation technologies event in western Ukraine. Yaroslav Nedashkovsky on AI & Big Data Day 2018
40 speakers and more than 400 participants: data scientists, data engineers, developers, startup entrepreneurs, investors and stakeholders from Ukraine, Germany, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, the USA, Canada and Eastern Europe. Continue reading “AI & Big Data Day 2018 and Cybersecurity case study”
The conference has passed and it’s time to share our impressions
23-26 January was held World Economic Forum 2018 in Davos, Switzerland.
One of the biggest forums found in 1971, officially was attended approximately by 3000 members of WEF. According to unofficial data, 10 000 companies’ representatives came in Davos to listen global issues discusses and to meet market leaders. Volodymyr Vargola in Davos
SoftElegance also was in Davos, where took place WEF. The main discussions themes were blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, education and women’s rights. Also, we got a grant opportunity to talk with Uber and Facebook representatives. So we can personally confirm that WEF assembles in one place influential people from different industries, who can meet and discuss major themes. Continue reading “Report from World Economic Forum 2018 in Davos”
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning facts, views, and opinions
Hi, all! Today we want to discuss one big theme – Artificial Intelligence (AI). So many doubts and disputes around it. To help you understand this issue a little better, we collected different facts, views, and materials in this article. It could help you to make up your own opinion about Artificial Intelligence and answer questions: how dangerous AI can be, how machine learning helped people in AI evolution, etc.
“AI’s a rare case where we need to be proactive in regulation, instead of reactive. Because by the time we are reactive with AI regulation, it’s too late” — Elon Musk