At the beginning of 2024 we would like to summarize the tasks what were done since our latest major update, and we are proudly introduce the third version, or chapter III.
The great and short news at the very beginning: 💰 as startup a-Gnostics received $150,000 from Microsoft Azure.
🏭 Solutions:
1. 👂🏿 Di-agnostics – ‘Shazam for industrial equipment’, it leverages the sounds emitted by machinery to provide real-time insights into equipment health.
It is a honor to join Control System Integrators Association, global, not-for-profit, trade association for control system integration companies. We are very happy to get CSIA membership!
SoftElegance has joined CSIA ‒ Control System Integrators Association
For SoftElegance the most valuable is an access to the member-only documents and materials from the USA and globe. We are looking forward to implement best practices into our software products and processes. Also, we highly appreciate networking and exchange opportunities.
It is necessary to thanks to APPAU ‒ the Association of Industrial Automation of Ukraine that did a great job, it was granted complimentary memberships to its members at CSIA. “The best engineering companies and system integrators are ready to work with their counterparts around the world”.
On February 24 2022, after the attack on Ukraine by the Russian Federation, the war began for everyone, each defending the country by working, doing what he and she can and helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Work on the economic front helps to protect Ukraine too.
Providing the country with electricity is necessary for the army, business and every citizen. Those who, unfortunately, have experienced light outages, understand even more how important it is not only for work, but for maintaining morale and life. We thank all power engineers from the generation and distribution of electricity for their excellent work, for our part we help the following:
One of the solutions in a-Gnostics, which also continues to work during the war, is to forecast electricity consumption in Ukraine. It is necessary to make an hourly forecast for market for the day ahead. The solution for forecasting energy consumption we started to develop before the launch of a new electricity market in Ukraine on July 1, 2019, and successfully implemented it for several enterprises. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are used for more accurate forecasting.
24 лютого 2022, після нападу на Україну Російською Федерацією, війна почалася для всіх, кожен і кожна боронить країну тим, що працює, робить те, що вміє найкраще і матеріально допомагає Збройним Силам України. Роботи на економічному фронті також допомагають захищати Україну.
Забезпечення країни електроенергією необхідне для армії, бізнесу та кожного громадянина. Ті, хто, на жаль, стикнувся із відключеннями світла, ще більше розуміє наскільки це є важливим товаром не тільки для роботи, а підтримки морального стану та життєдіяльності. Дякуємо всім енергетикам від генерації та розподілу електричної енергії за чудову роботу, зі свого боку ми допомагаємо наступним:
Одне із рішень в a-Gnostics, яке також продовжує працювати під час війни — прогнозування споживання електроенергії в Україні. Потрібно робити погодинний прогноз для РДН (ринок на добу наперед). В загальному вигляді, задачу прогнозування споживання енергоресурсів ми почали вирішувати, що до запуску нового ринку електроенергії 1 липня 2019 року, і успішно впровадили для декількох промислових корпорацій. Використовуються методи машинного навчання та штучного інтелекту для більш точного прогнозування.
We are excited to release a-Gnostics 2.0, the service for rapid development of predictive analytics models, and would like to share details about the platform architecture and the new features available in this release.
Anomaly Detection and Equipment Failure Prediction General
a-Gnostics, SoftElegance company, implements an Industrial AI service focused on anomaly detection and equipment failure prediction. The service is tailored to multivariable processes and timeseries data, retrieved from industrial equipment to automatically and accurately indicate normal, pre-failure, and failure statuses. The main objective is to apply machine learning and artificial intelligence to predict failures before they occur.
Failure Prediction service at a-Gnostics DataDome
There are a variety of services known as A-SETS that are offered to the customers by the a-Gnostics platform.
The A-SETS all fall into the following high-level categories:
The forecasting of electricity consumption by counties and regions, with 96–99% accuracy.
The forecasting of energy resources (electricity and natural gas) consumption by large factories, with about 95% accuracy.
The forecasting of solar (PV) stations generation, with the accuracy of up to 90%.
Failure prediction, anomaly detection, and predictive analytics for industrial equipment, such as boilers at thermal power plants.
SoftElegance Named Top IT & Business Services Provider in Ukraine by Clutch
We are excited to announce that SoftElegance is officially featured as a leading company in the recent Clutch’s report highlighting the top service providers in Ukraine.
When your company is suffering from an information technology issue, you want to find a team that has proactive management, is experienced, and understands your business to fix it. The deliverables offered should also be graceful and stylish in appearance. In other words, you want those solutions to be elegant.
At SoftElegance, our talented developers provide reliable services for implementation of SaaS systems, sophisticated business solutions, engineering applications, and business processes automation software.
We are excited to announce that our analytics expertise has earned us a 2019 Clutch Eastern Europe award as a leading IT and business services provider in Ukraine.
“Being awarded by Clutch is a big honor for our company. For years we recognize Clutch to be the best way to reach the right audience and get exceptional long-term partnerships,” – CEO, SoftElegance.
5-6 July there was a conference “Technologies 4.0 in the industry” in Dnipro on Interpipe location. Representatives from leading companies were discussing industry issues and innovations. Yaroslav Nedashkovsky and Volodymyr Vargola on Interpipe Industry 4.0 conference
SoftEleganse was represented by Data Architect Yaroslav Nedashkovsky and Business Development Director Volodymyr Vargola. Continue reading “Report from Interpipe Industry 4.0 conference 2018”
Actually, we want to share with you our joy.
The previous weekend we had company’s anniversary and us proud that our outsourcing ship on market waves already 25 years!
Of course, we’d celebrate this date grandiosely. It’s summer now, so our little company’s family ridden out on the barbecue in the countryside. Rewards for SoftElegance’s employees
We had bow and arbalest shooting range, volleyball and beach sitting bags. Some of us even opened a swimming season!
And of course after all activities, we had catering and all employees got rewards for their years of work.
Not so long ago SoftElegance became APPAU member.
For us, it’s an honour to be part of such innovative direction as Industry 4.0 in Ukraine. Industry life in Kyiv, Ukraine
We proud to be part of Ukrainian Industry 4.0 society because it’s a new significant part of future in general. And our European and American partners too close to this future. We have to join forces for going hand in hand with world leaders and direct this power to new technologies development. Continue reading “SoftElegance became a member of APPAU”
Guest post about relationship between Marketing and AI
Hi all!
We want to share a new food for thought. And today it’s a guest post from the content team at
So here’re a little introduction and infographic:
“Whenever we talk about technology we are referring to something that is always in a state of flux and change. Therefore we might have come across technologies only in books and other such imaginary situations. However, the same are no longer imaginary but are slowly becoming real. Today the buzzword in technology is artificial intelligence or AI as many people would like to call it. It is being used selectively in some areas. However, over the years it is quite likely to have much wider acceptance and become important as far as businesses, trade and commerce are concerned. We are sharing some useful information which we are sure will help you to understand AI a bit more.”